Water purification information

If the kitchen is equipped with a water purifier, do I still need to install a front water purifier?

Views : 67849
Update time : 2021-12-02 14:23:34
In autumn and winter, when the climate is dry, hydrating is particularly important, especially drinking plenty of water. Speaking of water, Aicksn today recommends a pre-filtered water purifier that can share the pressure of the under-kitchen water purifier.

What is a front water purifier?
As the name implies, the front water purifier is a device installed at the back end of the water meter for tap water entering the household, used to filter impurities such as sand, rust, and other impurities with a large particle diameter in the water, and to perform primary filtration of the water quality of the household.

What is the difference between the front water purifier and other water purifiers?

Filtration accuracy
The front water purifier filters domestic water, so its filtration accuracy is generally between 20-100μm;
The RO membrane in the under-kitchen water purifier mainly filters the quality of drinking water, so its filtration accuracy is generally 0.0001μm.

scenes to be used
The front water purifier is a preliminary filter for the water quality of the home, so its use scenarios include the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and other places where water is needed;

The under-kitchen water purifier is generally installed under the kitchen sink, so its use range is relatively limited, generally for water in the kitchen scene and daily drinking water.

What is the function of the front water purifier?

1. Filter large particles of impurities, rust and sediment

During transportation, tap water may carry impurities such as rust, silt, and sand in aging pipelines. As the first line of defense, the front water purifier can filter these rust, sand and large particles of impurities in the first time.

2. Protect other wading electrical appliances in the home

If there are too many impurities in the water, the impurities in the water will most likely be attached to other wading electrical components, which will cause the normal use of these electrical appliances and even their service life. The front water purifier can filter these large particles of impurities, and this will effectively prevent this from happening.

3. Relieve the filtration pressure of the filter element of other water purification equipment in the home

As mentioned earlier, the front water purifier filters most of the rust, silt and other large particles, which undoubtedly reduces the filter pressure of the filter element of the water purifier in other scenes in the home, which can prolong the service life of the filter element and reduce the filter element. Replacement cost.

Choosing a good front water purifier requires consideration from the following perspectives:

Filtration accuracy:
The filtering accuracy of the current pre-water purifiers on the market is between 20-100μm. When choosing, you must pay attention to the balance between the control filtering effect and easy clogging. Too high filtering precision will easily cause poor filtering effect, otherwise it will easily cause filter clogging.

Filter element material:
The filter element is recommended to be made of stainless steel, which is not easy to deform, but also effectively reduces the safety hazards of heavy metal precipitation.

Material of front water inlet and outlet:
From the perspective of safety, it is recommended to choose a copper material that does not precipitate lead, which is durable and relatively safe.

After listening to Aicksn's introduction, I believe that I have initially grasped the importance of the front water purifier. After all, the purity and peace of mind of drinking are very important. Of course, you must rest assured when you use it.
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